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Lambton Woods walk

2 cormorants and an egret

Lambton Woods is one the local places for nature walks I enjoy the most. It’s along the Humber River at James Gardens. It’s also where we met this morning for the last of the summer series of nature walks with Miles Hearn.



As regular readers know, I’ve learned an incredible amount about the natural world around me from these walks. Miles is a fountain of knowledge and a most interesting fellow. The next set of walks will be a series of 11 of them in the fall. I’ll let you all know when sign-up opens for these.


Bull Thistle

The picture below shows Miles Hearn pointing out the difference between the male and female parts of a Cattail.

The top part is the male, the bottom is the female

And here he is photographing some slime…

Photographing Slime

Great egret fishing the river
Black-crowned Night Heron

Someone in our group with a really good eye spotted this kildeer walking around on a sandbar in the river.

False Solomon Seal

Cedar Waxwing
Coral Mushrooms
Enchanter’s Nightshade
Field Sow Thistle

The highlight of the walk for me was spotting a bunch of chanterelles. At risk of going to nature walk jail, I could not resist harvesting them for dinner.

Thanks to Nadine for the photo…


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